S: im not christian so that's technically pretty offensive
S: it should just be "happy holidays"
In the gates we went to the sounds of a terrible rendition of Ave Maria, blasting out of the Myer Musical Bowl. But the sky was blue with not a cloud in sight. The sun was shining and everyone seemed to be infused with the Christmas Spirit. One couldn't help but smile.
These were the rehearsals, so they did redo, and redo certain songs and acts over and over again, all of which didn't get far too annoying. Which in mainly because each rendition were separated by lack of carols and music all together. It was overall generally uneventful, and sometimes we (who love music at our ears) cringed in pain as the little choir boy's voices seemed to conjure a cheese grater, and as the sounds wafted over the hill, the grater began it's journey up and down the side of your face.
Ok, it wasn't THAT bad. I just found it annoying.
An indiscriminate amount of time passed, then suddenly there was great a upheaval, and the cocky hosted announced that there was going to be a special surprise appearance from Hi-5! I hate them, I really do. I was hoping that they would invite the Wiggles, because they ARE generally better in every way, shape form. Sadly, they didn't appear in their big red car. Humphrey the bear turned up though.
E: Because they cut out his vocal cords when they chained him as a dancing bear.
W: That's horrible.
And now the terrible atrocity! Humphrey with his muffled sound, indicated that there was a giant present sneaking it's way onto the stage. The silly Hi-5 members enthusiastically ran towards the box. The suspense was great. Mother lead their little children closer to the stage. "We have a special visitor" the crew exclaimed! Then, with the full attention of the audience, the giant box opened, and out came Santa! Or at least that's what the Hi-5 crew exclaimed. What everybody else saw, was a little different.
It's pictured below.
Seriously. Why would you do that?
Fair enough it wasn't a dress rehearsals, but if you're letting the public in, many who have brought along little toddlers and children, you could at least keep the great lie a secret to their young minds!
The day moved onto night. Glow sticks were broken out, Candles were lit. I spent the rest of the night flirting with fire. Thus the header.
The concept that I was given was terrific. I thought it was brilliant. There were two illustrations that were to be done. One side, was a nativity scene of the modern day world, homeless gathering for a Christmas party around a fire. The other was of the traditional nativity scene. Now, these two scenes, were to be stuck against each other, back to back. The modern side faces on audiences, and the traditional side faces away. Behind this illustration, is a mirror.
Another friend, Alan, was given the job of illustrating the modern scene; I was given the ancient nativity scene:
The concept was intended to illustrate the love and joy of Christmas. The meaning of the Christmas tradition in the modern do world. What we see first is the homeless gathering at the shelter with a couple of dogs. But if we look closer, into the reflection, we see ourselves standing amongst those present at the ancient nativity scene. Although obviously, this concept all sounds better in writing, in practice, not so much.
This was how it turned out: