Sunday, September 28, 2008

Large Revolving Doors


Get a large ball of wool, and slowly unwind it as you walk the road

I don't know why, but writing down every word that comes to mind spontaneously is so amazingly fun.
I guess I got a bit carried away with the typography...

Anyway, these are my childhood friends.
Hush Puppy. Last remainder of the three ViewSonic birds. Indian Ink. Elmo. Mr Happy. Foam dinosaur. Kekero. Sharky. Piggy. Cow.

Not sure why the bottle of ink is there.


  1. Evidently the bottle of ink is both a testament to the perversity of your nature and your affinity with the certain art forms.

    Personally, I'm more worried about your lack of individuality and creative with names than I am by the ink.

    Your mispelling of pencils is somewhat intriguing. Freudian slip Eric?

    And I like "The end is neigh".
    Whether intentional or not, it is an interesting take on the cliched apocalyptic phrase.

    Oh bugger, just spilt tea on a trial physics exam...>.>
    No one will ever know...

    May your wallet, bed and fridge be always full.

  2. Wow this was posted 2 hours ago

    Umm yeah names unoriginal, But I like the typography!

    Also I'm running out of steam in study.


  3. I don't see the point of giving a name to something that will never respond to it when pronounced.
