Thursday, May 15, 2008

Trios (iv)

"What on earth is that thing?"
"This thing?"
Smuck raised the plastic bag as something black seemed to struggle for it's life, "It's an eel, got it from the market just a few minutes ago."
"Right. You do know that eels are aquatic right?"
"Yeah, so?"
"There's no water at all in the bag."
"That's ok. I don't expect this creature to last the night."
He produced the squirming eel out from the bag, grappling it by the head, he thrusted it towards me. "If you may do the honours"
"What? no way, you do it! You know I can't stand that sort of stuff!"
"Fine then."
He turned his back to me, a snap was made, and the eels went limp. "Damn, that was a satisfying crunch." He said as he turned back to face me. His shirt was covered in blood. He was holding the eel by it's gills. It had already been gutted.
It's mouth continued to gap for water.
With each mouthful of air, you could see the gills pulsating. Blood continued to drip onto the ceramic white tiles.
"It's still moving"
"Yeah, so?"
"So, wasn't breaking it's neck supposed to stop it from moving?"
"Not at all"
"What was the purpose in doing that then?!"
"Could you level with self satisfaction?"
"You're a sadistic freak you know that?"
"Takes one to know one. Anyway, I'm not going to talk to you, I want to cook this thing" and with that Smuck walked into the kitchen. Sounds of chopping, gas, fire and energy could be heard. The boiling of water, the whooping of excitement, the opening of jars, the clutter of plates. I had gone to my room, and desperately tried to get the sounds of the thump out of my head. The thump from the eel, still thrashing at it was boiled, alive.
Half an hour later, a sweat succulent aroma wafted into the room. My stomach gurgled. It had been a good six hours since I had last eaten. I walked into the ktichen, and there was Smuck sitting on the table, smacking his lips and setting up the table.
"Now that we're here, shall we start?" He opened the chrome lid that covered a dish. Steam rushed to the ceiling, revealing the white flesh the mass majority of the eel. "Well, we better not let it's life go in vain ey?"
The dish was good. Succulent. Delicious.
I ate so much more than Smuck did.
It was just too...good.

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