Saturday, April 5, 2008

Trios - (i)

"Hello Eric." Said a strong sturdy unsurprised voice. I looked up from my trigonometric identities to find Smuck in a flashy jacket looking down at me, leaning his knuckles firmly on my desk.
"Err..." I was surprised to say the least, "...what a surprise to see you here."
"Surprise? Why would it be a surprise?" asked Smuck has he lowered himself into the soft armchair beside me. I swear that chair wasn't there before.
"Well, i just didn't expect you to come to the State Library thats all."
"What? But I live in your head! On that note, you might want to put those headphones back on and make it look like your muttering to yourself, people are looking." Embarrassingly I did so.
"So, Eric, sitting alone, perving at girls again?" he continued as he started to patting his pockets in the search for his cigarettes.
"I'm not perving at girls!" I stammered.
"Oh yeah, then what's that your doing there then?" Smuck produced a packet of tobacco, paper and a filter and started to roll himself one.
"I'm trying finish my Specialist work and I would really appreciate it if you didn't talk to me, it's really not helping..." He raised his hand to offer me a roughly made cigarette. "...and you know I don't smoke." I continued.
"Yeah, but you need to chill out, plus how do you explain that drawing of..." Smuck lit his cigarette with a nickel plated gas lighter. He sucked. The end of the stick glowed as the ember ate away at the dried plant. He then blew the smoke at my neighbour. "...her?" Her silver earrings tinkled as she looked up and stared into my eyes, squinted, tilted her head, before returning with her work.
"What? That not perving, I'm just using her face as a reference." I explained, "Plus, she's pretty."
"Hmm, sure, but that picture is definitely not doing her any justice."
I glared at Smuck. He grinned viciously. "Hey, this place is boring, let's go outside and meet up with your sexy friends"
"Eurgh, fine."
I picked up my books and proceeded to the locker room "You do know I hate it when you talk like that, it's so denigrating."
"It's only denigrating if you think it is m'dear, and oh, check out the face on this birdie"
I looked to my left, and there Smuck was, leaning into an innocent looking girl's face, licking his lips lustfully. I shook my head disappointingly and opened my locker, shoved my books into my bag, got my coat and walked to the front glass door. Neglected newspaper blew like tumble weed. Cars herded like cattle, funnelling into streets and roads, all loud and frustrated. Tourists flashed, pointed and gasped. "Looks like Julies out stretching her fingers. How exciting!" exclaimed Smuck.
"Remind me, who's Julie again?"
"The one who likes to run her finger down your naked back on those frosty nights; who takes the last breathe from the homeless man on the street; who changes with every second, ever restless, ever demanding." Smuck seemed to describe her with a sense of admiration "A dominatrix figure if you will"
I laughed, "Come on" I pushed upon the door and stepped into the chilly world as just as the heavens opened up.


  1. *POP!*

    popped your comment cherry. is the purpose of this blog for you to explore your schizophrenic self? i's even titled smuckey..

  2. No, definately not. The purpose of Trios? yes probably. But the entire blog itself? no.

    It amuses me because the events in this story actually happened to a certain degree.



    btw: daniel radcliffe scars me.

  4. you're so silly. yes. a skull. :O
    i'm cramming like i've never crammed before.

  5. why HELLOO!!
    i was told to read ur weird story so i did.
    it was indeed quite.. weird. and amusing =D
    anyway just sending some comment loooove.. see im nice. i actually COMMENT WEN I READ PPL'S BLOGS!!
    -points to my own xanga-
    lol.. oh and u linked meeee.. yayayay...! the flower empress feels special! <3
    have fun m'dear! =D

  6. This short story explores the themes of those dealing with their turbulent insecurities and multiple-personalities, whilst simultaneously investigating the life of an adolescent with the usual adolescent problems/cravings.
    The style of writing is almost lyrical in its flow, and though grammar and spelling leave a bit to be desired, originality more than makes of for the lack of semantics.
    Though the writing generally has an excellent flow, some parts of it seem to stick out like jagged edges, though whether this is intentional or not is as yet unknown.


  7. zomg DOUGHNUTs? hehe
