Saturday, March 21, 2009


G: I need feeding, let's go hunting!
E: You can't hunt. You forage. Because you're a woman
Fridays seem to be my highlights of my week. Uni always tends to flop over, and fall unconcious at around midday; leaving me plenty of time to commute to the city in an attempt to rendezvous with some long lost but never forgotten friends. It always seems to be wonderfully joyful and merry, as these people that i'm around never fail to bore me.

It's interesting though, I find I'm learning more and more about the few people I call friends every time I meet them; every moment seems to be a new experience. Though admittedly I'm finially starting to become that little bit sharper; yet at the same time, I've become blunter.
Mark: Ah you see, Maddy's construction is classic I-beam structure; which means half the material but equal in strength.
Eric: But it's not an I-beam. That would be a square bracket structure. I-beams look like I's. That doesn't look like an I. It's a square.
Maddy: Yeah, Eric would know, he is doing structures after all.
Mark: ...
Roll me another, and let's hit the road again.


  1. i love it as well! =) that totally deserves to be on a card or something
