Extract of handwritten notes from DGN1001, Design Theory Lectures.
Design in an exercise in truth and narrative, function and reflection on society.Simplicity we should deal with, subtlety to let us escape from the complexity and chaos
Design is like making a cake. Putting everything that you know and love: peanut butter, grapes, nutella, vegimite, all into a mixer just doesn't work. You must pick one thing that works, and emphasis it by means of compliments and contrasts.
Standards and dimensions, mathematics, rules, fun shway. Things that are solid, ridig, give us a new feeling of freedom. In Design, chaos, random is developed from order. True chaos gives an uneasy feeling of instablility and panic. Federation Square may look random, but comfort can be found by it's mathematical order.
This order, rules and constrants come from the client. It gives direction, purpose, truth. Here is where an artist and a desgiener's differences comes about. Artist create masterpeices; whereas Designs need to expect their work to be abused, modified and manipulated to their clients' wishes without their consent.
Thus, limits and restriction gives harmony, simplicity, both in design and the clients modifcations.